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Sub-Zero Sun Dogs, Alaska Prep

I’ve seen sun dogs before and have probably blogged about them, but cold weather as a cause got my attention due to my quest to take my fiancé’s ashes up to Alaska. Here are the sun dogs: Sub-zero...

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First $1.5 BILLION Lottery Winner. Really?

The strangest thing I saw in the news today is that someone in South Carolina won over a billion dollars in a lottery. Billion with a B. What the heck? Did people really put over 1.5 billion dollars of...

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36-Year Old Coupon Honored

It seems unlikely, but a 36-year-old coupon for 20 cents off of Crisco vegetable oil was honored recently by Anatoly Shashkin, the store manager at a North Shore Farms store in Mineola, Long Island,...

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A 1.4 Million Dollar Speedy Pigeon

The most unlikely news I saw today was this: Armando, a champion speedy pigeon, was purchased for a record 1.4 million dollars by a Chinese bird racing enthusiast. PIPA, the website that organized the...

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Man Wins $1 Million on Birthday

Happy Birthday to the South Carolina man who won a million dollars today on his birthday. He won the lottery in Hollywood. Did you know there is a Hollywood in South Carolina? Well there is. May 1...

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The World’s Oldest Business is 1,441 Years Old

What currently running business is the oldest known? We were impressed to learn that a Japanese manufacturer of sake, Sudo-Honke, based in Obara was established in the year 1141 AD! Sudo Honke...

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Canada: Stop Spocking Fivers

Here’s a strange ongoing problem in Canada. Since February 27, 2015 when Leonard Nimoy who played the character of Mister Spock on the TV show Star Trek passed away, people in Canada have been defacing...

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$5 Billion Fine for Facebook’s Privacy Violations, Wall $$?

Strange News Alert: Facebook is about to be hit with the largest fine ever imposed by the FTC against a tech company, 5 billion dollars, but the strange thing is, this is being called just a “slap on...

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Crows in San Francisco Bring Gifts for Food

True Strange News. September 3, 2019. Some crows in San Francisco are bringing gifts for a woman who feeds them. “Melinda Green said she started feeding two families of crows that congregate outside...

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